Join the first event of the INTERNATIONAL DENTAL SUMMIT offering solution to the future of Dentistry. TELEDENTISTRY is the first solution on the table. What it is, is it legal, is it safe and how to access it. On the panel some of the world leader on the field:
From USA: Dr. Paul OUELLETTE, Orthodontist and recognized as one of the world's TOP 100 dentists. A visionary man looking for the future of our profession.
From USA: Dr. Robert BOYD, Orthodontist and Periodontist. Dr. Boyd was part of the team who led the digitalization of orthodontics in early 2000.
From USA: Dr. Paul DOMINIQUE, Pediatric dentist, Dr. Dominique is a thinker of our profession, way ahead of his time. Dr. Dominique is offering a unique views from Switzerland to Spain to USA.
From Canada, Dr. Eric LACOSTE, Periodontist, Dr. Lacoste is a community leader and great entrepreneur who is fighting for the weakest links of our society, especially children.
From France, Dr. Philippe FAU, dentist and also mayor of his village, Dr. Fau has both functions as a leader in power and a dentist looking for the future of our profession.
From USA, Dr. Maria Kunstadter, DMD is the co-founder of THETELEDENTISTS.COM
From USA, Howard Reis, MBA, is the CEO of THETELEDENTISTS.COM
Hosting the event is Dr. Bak Nguyen, DMD, and president of the INTERNATIONAL DENTAL SUMMIT. Dr. Bak is leading the way to an international dialogue to find solutions and to lead for the FUTURE OF DENTISTRY.
Also joining are the founders of THETELEDENTIST.COM a first online, straight to customer service of teledentistry. They are providing a turn-key solution to this unique crisis and turn point in History.