Dr. Lina Duseviciute

Graduated from LSMU (Lithuanian Health Science University) in 2015 and has been working in the field of prosthodontics since. From the very start, she has been working in the biggest clinics in Lithuania, with excellent teams of colleagues with highly specified fields of dentistry. She has been deepening her knowledge in different courses and conferences on prosthodontic work excitedly and applying it in her everyday practice. Also, she was lucky to have always had really skilled mentors, guiding her.

One of many of her passions including health, various sports, and spending time in nature always was art.  Working as a dentist, she found herself a niche to create as well- she was creating smiles for people. Working in the area of prosthodontics merged her wish to calculate, create in artistic and mechanic aspects, also keeping balance with nature. 

After some time she felt that need to understand the bigger picture of everything that is happening with people, she wanted to profoundly understand the patterns and systems in which people are behaving, why that is and how to work according to these currents and most importantly to clarify WHY are we all doing what we are doing. What is the purpose of all of this? So she got trained as a coach.

In the year 2017 she got her ICF coach certification at BKC (Baltijos Koučingo Centras); also did a lot of training based on Roger Hamilton's system, at “Genius University” and by Lina Danienė, also learning from great mentors like Terri Vincent, Melanie Colling, Paul Dunn, Brett Jarman, and Anthony Chadwick.

She always felt the need for constant growth and evolution, so investing in education in dentistry to constantly improve as a specialist in her field, and in personal growth, to help her live purposefully and at the same time in service to others, became priorities. Education, never-ending transformation, evolution, human connection, and unity are the most important aspects of her life.

She was lucky to have amazing mentors in both areas that made a huge impact on the way she is operating in life and profession. 


AlphaTEAMDMD, author