Martin D. Weiss, PhD

Martin D. Weiss, PhD, founder of Weiss Ratings, began his career in 1971 when he started rating the safety of U.S. commercial banks for high net worth investors, establishing a reputation for fierce independence and complete objectivity. Years later, he launched the first-ever independent ratings of U.S. life/health insurers and warned millions of consumers about major insurers that subsequently failed.

Forbes called Weiss “Mr. Independence.”

The New York Times said Weiss was “first to see the dangers and say so unambiguously.”

And the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) reported that Weiss beat America’s leading rating agencies by at least three to one in accuracy. His doctoral degree in cultural anthropology and thesis, from Columbia University, specialized in the topic Dr. Weiss is most passionate about — the evolution of money; and the next major phase of that evolution, according to Weiss, is cryptocurrencies. Today, Dr. Weiss writes and speaks frequently about cryptocurrencies and is widely quoted thanks largely to his strict independence and objectivity. He speaks eight languages.