THE ALPHA DENTISTRY project is aimed to empower that air of collaboration and sharing that Alphas have been laying out since March 2020. ALPHA DENTISTRY are 9 volumes based on FAQ in different fields of Dental Medicine.
Each volume will by written by a team of 10 or more experts (doctors) from different countries and generations, thus, allowing the final version to stand, not as another expert opinion but as close as possible to the wisdom of the crowd, a crowd of international experts. After the first version, release of the following version of the same volume will also included the guest-authors joining since. Each volume aim to reach 200 years of cumulative clinical experience.
The audio version of the book which will also be free an accessible to everyone around the world. It will be hosted by my tech Company, Emotive World. A COMBO paperback/audiobook version is be available for sale on Amazon. The paperback version and ebook will also be on sale on Amazon, Kindle, Apple books and even Audible if we are selected. The ASSEMBLED VERSION will be available world-wide for download free of charge to both dentists and patients once they have registrered.
This project will help the democratization of the knowledge and science of Dental Medicine. The books will be led by main author, Dr. Bak Nguyen, the co-authors are invited, the guest-author can sign up for the selection process.
Be part of the revolution of our industry and its advent to the Information and Collaboration Age. Write History with us, dear Alphas.
As a contributor and guest author, your will have your chapters published within the next release of the ALPHA DENTISTRY volume in which you have submitted. That will also introduce you to the Alphas as an expert. You will also gain full access to the entirety of the content of the book you are contributing to distribute and repurpose, free of rights and fees under 2 conditions:
to credit the work to the Alphas composing the team of that volume
to respect the professionalism and the sharing spirit of this work.
You are all my guests of honour in this project. Please choose the project you would like to join.
Peers and Friends. Welcome to the Alphas.
Dr. Bak