Thierry Lindor, Delegate at G20 Young Entrepreneurs Alliance

I am the oldest of 10 siblings, we grew up upper working class or lower middle class - depends how you look at it. My parents worked hard to provide us with values that resonate with me to this day: Passion, Inclusion, Diversity & the everlasting power of Education.

Growing up in a neighbourhood that glorified illicit lifestyles & Sports; I was convinced that my options were limited to the above. The “Entrepreneurs” around me were not choirboys by any means. Yet picking Basketball as a youth saved my life.

I actually performed at the highest level which landed me a professional Basketball contract at 19. Nevertheless, 1 year 1/2 into my dream career; I tear my Groin.

Just like that! All over. But my life, my true calling was only beginning. See, there are transferable traits that makes a point guard a good entrepreneur.

Leadership. Communication. Connecting & Influencing People to be the best version of themselves.

My Entrepreneurial journey started 18 years ago in Real Estate but the true challenges...The Real fun started when I opened RE/MAX Griffintown downtown Montreal and grew it from 3 to 32 brokers in less than 2 years.

I became a real estate Broker with a voice in our industry & celebrity clients to die for. My platform expanded to television, radio, speaking-engagement & much more.

Following the success of the fastest-growing real estate office in Quebec, I tackled a new challenge. Next, I created a community before focusing on a company! I created a modern media company that creates web solutions and communication experiences including « the 1st Canadian TED Talk for Millenials & Diversity » according to the media.

Influence ORB

I believe Entrepreneurship is a Culture, & like any culture, you have to plant a seed & help it grow; not watch it grow! This is why Influence was founded; to inspire, Inform & Influence the present & next generation of Changemakers & thought leaders.

People of influence such as Gary Vee, Grant Cardone, Casey Neistat & more recently the Nobel Peace Prize laureate Malala have believed in me & my vision. Let's talk soon.