The Book of Elves - volume two
The Book of Elves - volume two
Caught between the Orcs invading from the center of Destiny, the Angels raining down and the Demons eating from within, the Elves are turning from their old beliefs and Gods for salvation.
For Millennials, Elves turned to Odin and the Forces of Nature for answers and guidance. Since the imminent destruction of their kingdoms and cities, a new God is offering Hope, Kal, the old God of fire. Kal gave them more than Hope, he gave the elves who turned to him passage to a new world.
But more than hope, more than fear, Elves value honour and Destiny. At least their old guards and heroes do. With their world crumbling down, the rise of the new and younger generations, Elf’s society seem to be at the crossroad of evolution. It is convert or die. Or die fighting or die kneeling.
The Book of Elves is the story of a civilization facing its fate at the blink of destruction.
Prologues of Destiny - volume one