PROFESSION HEALTH: The future of health care is within the way we communicate and connect

Our future is embedded in communication.

- Mirjana Sindolic, from PROFESSION HEALTH

Opportunities are lining our lives. Life itself is an opportunity. Even though, we are rarely proactive and time is unapologetic. It just goes by. I have been invited to join an inspiring project by an eternal optimist Dr. Bak Nguyen. It came as a surprise after a relatively condensed time of lively discussion, exchange of ideas and experiences. 

The project was born out of a sincere will to see the beauty, challenges, solutions and options in being a fulfilled member of the healthcare profession. It was, also, interesting how our very different, but vigorous personalities came to the revelation of the essential elements in success and quest for happiness in our profession. 

We started by asking how we may help each other. A series of simple, yet thoughtful questions about the relations in healthcare, has highlighted the need to start a conversation about unspoken and unsolved directions among all dedicated workers in medical, dental, pharmaceutical domains. 

We tried to get to the basic loops in tightly knit fabric of everlasting human pursuit for knowledge, understanding, empathy and integrity. All of which are corner stones in healthcare profession. We are all able to communicate. Without building confident personal foundations, we will always remain vulnerable in front of unexpected outcomes, highly demanding and constant upgrade of knowledge, and ever raising bars in technical performance. 

The progress in dental and other healthcare professions is structured exactly like that: during our studies, we learn to learn, to exchange and exercise critical thinking. 

