CHANGING THE WORLD FROM A DENTAL CHAIR: Leverage, honor and attentions

Before I start telling you my story, I want to take a moment to acknowledge and thank Ernst & Young for their contribution to the growth process of entrepreneurs just like me, and for letting us express ourselves in the process of this contest.

Now that I am putting my story into words in order to answer EY’s judges’ questions, I get to reflect on the incredible impact this nomination has had on my journey. Needless to say that it has opened many doors. As I started incorporating my unexpected and thrilling new title into my official communications and on my social media, I started envisioning myself and my professional activities differently.

I started visualizing how everything seemed more empowering, and how I empowered my entourage even more. This was a key element in my preparation for a conference I gave earlier this year at the Olympic Stadium.

Thanks to this, I received a very interesting investment proposal: in short, all I can say at this time is that this whole EY endeavour brought me a proposal of $100 million in investment in my company, Mdex & Co. This is still something that needs to be obtained and worked for, but what is for sure is that I wouldn’t have managed to hit that far and that fast without EY’s nomination crossing my path unexpectedly this year. And for this, I am forever be grateful.

I also want to take a moment to acknowledge and thank all my generals, bankers, partners, friends and supporters, who all believed in me and in my endeavours, empowering me and giving strength throughout this whole process. To you all, I want to dedicate the following words:

“ It’s not worth it to go through it alone, and success tastes better alongside each other; but at the end of the day,  it’s always up to you to make it happen.”


My readers, my fellow entrepreneurs, my friends, I salute you…

