MIDLIFE CRISIS: Guilt and regrets, are there necessary?
We are still just at the beginning of this endeavour, and yet, we didn’t have to dig for a long time to understand the flaws of our values system: how hormones systems are completely off of sync with the values we hold as stepping stones, especially from the man’s part.
I know that MidLife Crisis is a delicate subject since man and woman are not aligned with the same views nor experiences. Too often, even the man has no clue of what he is going through... just that he feels different and lost. I stood true to my medical training and went looking for facts, not opinions.
In the previous chapters, we uncovered the hormone’s paths of both genders in their life as a couple. It’s not about values or religion, it’s about the way we are built, pure scientific facts. And the way we link the dots together.
“Love and Sex are two completely different things!”
- Dr. Bak Nguyen, from REBOOT
Love is associated with Oxytocin while Sex is associated with Testosterone for the male and Oestrogen and Progesterone for the woman. It’s like eating fruits and vegetables, we need both and one will not replace the other. But our values condemn us to shut the door down on one until nature wakes us up.
I am not saying that it is not working, I am saying that it is broken, as both a man and a doctor.Even if this is about value and honour, at least we should all know what we are setting ourselves up against... our own biology. If that is our FREE WILL, we will need much WILLPOWER to remain in control. And to every action, there is a reaction, equal and opposite.…