THE ENERGY FORMULA is a book dedicated to help each individual to find the means to reach their purpose and goal in Life. Dr. Bak is a philosopher, a strategist, a business, an artist, and a dentist, how does he do all of that?
Read MoreIn HOW TO WRITE YOUR BOOK IN 30 DAYS, Dr. Bak has crafted writing skills and techniques that can be shared and mastered. This book is mainly about structure and how to keep moving forward, avoiding the hit of the INSPIRATION WALL.
Read MoreCHAMPION MINDSET is the encounter of the business world and the professional sports world. Industries’ Disruptor DR. BAK NGUYEN shares his wisdom and views with the HAMMER, CFL Football Star, Edmonton’s Eskimos CHRISTOPHE MULUMBA on how to leverage on the champion mindset to create successful entrepreneurs.
Read MoreWhy are health professionals burning out while they give the best of themselves to heal the world? Dr. Bak aims to break the curse of isolation that health professionals face and establish a conversation to start the healing process.
Read MoreIt’s been said by a “great man” that “We are born alone and we die alone.” Both men and women proudly repeat those words as wisdom since. I apologize in advance, but what a fat LIE! That’s what I learned and discovered in life since my mind and heart got liberated from the burden of scars and the ladders of society. I can have it all, not all at the same time, but I can have everything I put my mind and heart into.
Read MoreMASTERMIND, 7 WAYS INTO THE BIG LEAGUE is the result of the encounter of business coach Jonas Diop and Dr. Bak. As a professional podcaster and someone always seeking the truth and ways to leverage success and performance, coach Jonas is putting Dr. Bak to the test, one that should reveal his secret to overachieve month after month, accumulating a new world record every month. Follow those two great minds as they push each other to surpass themselves, each in their own way and own style.
Read MoreIn COVIDCONOMICS, THE GENERATION AHEAD, Dr. Bak is going all in. From what is knows to what he sees to what he hopes can be avoided. COVIDCONOMICS is not a critic of today’s society nor of the political decision, but the logical evolution of WHAT IF the trends continue on that path.
Read MoreIn COVIDCONOMICS, THE GENERATION AHEAD, Dr. Bak is going all in. From what is knows to what he sees to what he hopes can be avoided. COVIDCONOMICS is not a critic of today’s society nor of the political decision, but the logical evolution of WHAT IF the trends continue on that path.
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