The Power Behind the Alpha

“The only way to avoid the shock is to be grateful.”

— Dr. Bak Nguyen

It’s been said by a “great man” that “We are born alone and we die alone.” Both men and women proudly repeat those words as wisdom since. I apologize in advance, but what a fat LIE!

That’s what I learned and discovered in life since my mind and heart got liberated from the burden of scars and the ladders of society. I can have it all, not all at the same time, but I can have everything I put my mind and heart into. Actually, it is not completely true. I can have most of what I and Tranie put our minds into. Together, when we feel like one, there isn’t much out of our reach. If I’m the mind, she’s the heart; if I’m the Will, she’s the means. Synergy is the core of our power.

Tranie’s aim is always Happiness. In Tranie's definition of life, there are no justifications, no excuses, no tomorrow. For Tranie, Happiness is measured by the minutes of every single day.

This is why she’s so strong and can heal people around her. That may also be why she doesn’t need to talk much, since talking about the past or the future is, in her mind, dimming down the magic of the present, the Now. We both respect and appreciate that we are the whole balancing each other’s equation of life, of love, of success. 

I was the plus and the minus, then I became the multiplication factor and grew into the exponential. And how is Tranie evolving in all of this? She is and always will be the balance. If anything, she is the equal sign of each equation.
