En LA VACUNA, UN CUENTO DE ESPÍAS Y ALIENGÍNAS, el Dr. Bak repite su papel de mentor de William, su hijo de 10 años, tanto como coautor como médico. William está viviendo la guerra de COVID y ha acumulado muchas, muchas preguntas. Esa mañana salieron todos a la vez.
Read MoreDans LE VACCIN, HISTOIRES D'ESPIONS ET D'ENVAHISSEURS, Dr Bak reprend son rôle de mentor pour William, son fils de 10 ans, en tant qu'auteur et docteur. William vit la crise du Corona virus et il a accumulé beaucoup de questions. Ce matin, toutes ses questions sont sorties d'un coup.
Read MoreIn THE VACCINE, A TALE OF SPIES AND ALIENS, Dr. Bak reprise his role as mentor to William, his 10 years-old son, both as co-author and as doctor. William is living through the COVID war and has accumulated many, many questions. That morning, they got out all at once.
Read MoreCHICKEN FOREVER is the last book of the chickens. This tale tells the journey of Bill, the lion to be meeting with Josh, the Nugget in his quest of becoming a lion, now that he found his lion heart.Nugget had to find its lion heart first before becoming a lion. Bill was born a lion. Both now, both of them still need to decide what kind of lions they want to become.
Read MoreThe next chapter in the Chicken books, this is the story of Josh, the bully who punched Elliott in the Story of the fast chicken.
Read MoreHISTOIRE DE POULET: LA PÉPITE est l’histoire de Josh, le poulet intimidateur dans LE SECRET DU POULET RAPIDE. Toute histoire a deux versions, voici la version de Josh. D’intimidateur à héros, vivez l’expérience unique de Josh, de devenir un coeur de lion sans jamais ouvrir son esprit.
Read MoreWHY CHICKEN CAN’T DREAM is the tale about each of us as we were little. It’s okay to be little, little will grow. That’s the promise and the hope.
Read MoreNot too long ago, little chickens just like you were trying to have as much fun as possible. Then they discovered the 9 secrets of the Smart Chicken. They could then evolve into Super Chicken, Lion Heart and even, one day, fly as a dragon heart.
Read MoreTo grow, one must open one’s mind. As a chicken with an open mind, one can grow STRONG and SMART to become a SUPER CHICKEN. This is not the end of the road, merely the beginning of a long and great journey to become a lion heart and eventually, a dragon heart. But what happens when one gets lost as a SUPER CHICKEN?
Read MoreLiliann helped her little brother to master speed. Doing so, Liliann got smarter because she did not give up on her brother. Eliott is an idiot. He is little, not strong, and not very smart either. He got faster because he believed in his sister. Follow their journey and share their secret in
Read MoreNot too long ago, I was a little chicken just like you, trying to have as much fun as possible. Then I discovered “THE 9 SECRETS OF THE SMART CHICKEN”
Read MoreNow that the chickens found their way to become lions by keeping an open mind and that lions can one day fly into dragons if they keep their heart open, what about all of us? All the other animals are now joining this great quest to become dragons.
Read MoreGrowing from a chicken heart into a Lion heart was only the first step of a long journey. To keep one's mind open is to keep learning every day, day after day. Then, one needs to keep one’s heart open to keep growing. If one's heart is open for long enough, it will grow and be light to, one day fly away as a dragon heart. That's the journey of the lion.
Read MoreTo grow Strong and Smart was just the first step of a great journey. For a chicken heart to grow into a lion heart, he must keep an open mind. Now, for the lion to keep growing and to fly one day, he must keep his heart open and light. He must be happy first before he can finally grow into a dragon heart.
Read MoreEveryone is born little, as a chicken heart. Some will open their mind and grow into a lion heart. Some will choose to stay close and will stay small forever. This is the story of the chicken who is starting a great journey to become a lion.
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