The Legend of the Chicken Heart - co-written with William Bak (8 years old)
“To grow you must eat. Open your mind as you open your mouth.”
— Dr. Bak Nguyen
In THE LEGEND OF THE CHICKEN HEART, Dr. Bak tells the story of how a chicken heart can grow into a lion heart. Everyone is born little, as a chicken heart. Then, if he or she chooses to open his or her mind to grow, little will become bigger. Some will choose to remain close-minded and stay small.
This is the story of the Chicken Heart, a story of hope that everyone can become a lion heart if they choose so.
This book is the first of a trilogy, THE LEGEND OF THE LION HEART and THE LEGEND OF THE DRAGON HEART are the tome 2 and 3. And then, it was still just the beginning, as all the animals wanted to become dragons too. And the other chickens also had a story to tell. So was born the CHICKEN BOOKS franchise with 11 books in the series.