In COVIDCONOMICS, THE GENERATION AHEAD, Dr. Bak is going all in. From what is knows to what he sees to what he hopes can be avoided. COVIDCONOMICS is not a critic of today’s society nor of the political decision, but the logical evolution of WHAT IF the trends continue on that path.
COVID impacted everyone around the world and reset all of the clocks to the same zero. Then, the race started to defend lives. After a few weeks, it was clear that while we were trying to save lives, our WAY OF LIFE was under siege and threaten.
COVIDCONOMICS is following those trends and paint the story of the COVID GENERATION and how it would be different. Written in the midst of the second confinement, this journey is not a prophecy nor any conspiracy theory, but the consequences of our current course.
It is still time to balance the reforms and to safeguard centuries of societal evolution, acceptance, and inclusion. COVID is not what is killing Humanity, FEAR is.