ATTITUDE by William Bak


ATTITUDE is William's second solo book. The first one, PAPA, J’SUIS PAS CON, was written in French, last September. Well if you think that with a beginning that great, the future is secured, think again.

ATTITUDE is what’s happening behind the curtains, once the fame and glory have passed, life still goes on. One shall think that it gets easier, well, not at all. Now that William has reached stardom and the status of a world record writer, the question, “WHAT’S NEXT?” is always in the air.

“I am the hero I trained for, yesterday, today and tomorrow. The worst thing would be being a hero yesterday and not anymore today…”


Follow William in the continuation of his story, between being a kid growing into a teenager, before moving into a new world, high school, between writing with his dad, COVID, and looking to have fun with his friends online and outside, when it is possible. No, it does not get any easier. Worst, if he stops, the pressure is building up even faster. 

Once a hero, the expectations never leave. This is ATTITUDE, William’s second solo book.
