ENTREPRENEURSHIP: To keep moving forward.


- Dr. Bak Nguyen, from SYMPHONY OF SKILLS

Nowadays, the growth of a business depends not just on how well its products or services are needed and delivered but also on how a company brings true value to personal growth. What we read and who we frequent define who we are. So are the tools and services we are using every day. As an entrepreneur, it is mandatory to understand this prime concept in order to create a unique bond with our customers. 

As arrogant and terrible as Steve Jobs may have been, he understood perfectly that unique promise to his fans and customers. I know this because I was one of them. And until today, I still miss him. Even if we never met, he became my business partner with the rebirth of the Mac! He was on top. He put himself on top. That's also the demise to his first fall.


Dr. Bak Nguyen

It is common wisdom that everybody hates a Know it all. We also hate bullies who try to enforce upon us their views. But if you are a true entrepreneur, that’s exactly what you are! An annoying Know it all and a bully! You know things that people don't or discard. In order to advance, you have to convince and sell your point of view and opinion, and will never take a no for an answer. 

You might have the purest of intentions about helping others, but in your presence, people will have the same feeling as in front of a Know it all and a bully. Worst, the more you are passionate, the higher they will raise their shields. 

To you, entrepreneur, it does not make any sense, you were just trying to help! And those who you are helping are the ones opposing you! It's your fault! You have failed to understand the emotional intelligence behind your actions and words. It's unfortunate that it’s not what you do or what you say that will matter, but how you make people feel that will dictate their opinion and ultimately their choice about you.

Entrepreneurs, don't get me wrong, I personally felt the same rejection too often to tell you otherwise. There is HOPE, for all of us! Being a dentist taught me one thing: in order to be confident without being perceived as arrogant, you have to serve others! 

No one will hire a dentist who does not know what he is doing! No one will want an amateur doing his tax return. As you serve a purpose or solve a problem, your confidence and enthusiasm are welcome with open arms. 

Suddenly, they feel better around you! You have lifted the stress upon their shoulders. They are not alone anymore. Your knowledge is now praised as the solution to their darkness and problems.