We have all heard this sentence countless times. And so have I. To be very honest with you, as a young woman having spent her student years aspiring to an egalitarian and quite idealistic society, I had always had an issue with this idea of « behind »…
Read More…Years later, that’s how I raise my son, William. I raise him to be confident and free. He is both strong and kind from my support, not my expectations. Of all the many times I told the story of William and I, I never fully understood until now, the wisdom of Tranie’s love, even in my fatherhood experience…
Read MoreThis is it, it is done! I have finished what was to me the impossible. To talk about love, to write about love. I can spend all day writing about ambition, logic and leadership. I can talk to you for hours about philosophy, business and finance. But love...
Read MoreI always wanted to be a mother. Now, William, my son, Bak’s son, is 8. He is the whole of my love and the physical embodiment of both the magic and the momentum of Power and Alphaness.I told you that LOVE changed both Bak and I into different people, bigger and taller than we both could have conceived…
Read MoreDo it, do it now! For obvious reasons but also because the alternative is... wait and do nothing. I will never say it enough, TIME is the essence. I have wasted too much of it not to recognize it! While we are waiting for the perfect plan to come and hit us, we are wasting time and moral. No entrepreneur like to stay still…
Read MoreA dear friend and great mentor once told me that I have to learn to detach myself from everything. I wasn't wise enough to understand the depth of his teaching then. As time goes by and scars adding up on my back, I started to unravel the mystery of that wisdom. Dr. Mohamed Benkhalifa, you are among the wisest men…
Read MoreWe live in the information age, at the social network dominance peak. With 7 billion people on the planet and 2 billion smartphones in circulation (estimated number by 2016), that’s more than a quarter of the world population connected. And the numbers are just getting higher…
Read MoreThe paths to entrepreneurship are like the ones to Rome, they are many, and they all lead to success. None of them are easy, there are no shortcuts, only the path you've created yourself. The journey is often a lonely one, but if you stay open despite the wounds and scars, you will meet with allies helping you to achieve greatness…
Read MoreNowadays, the growth of a business depends not just on how well its products or services are needed and delivered but also on how a company brings true value to personal growth. What we read and who we frequent define who we are. So are the tools and services we are using every day. As an entrepreneur, it is mandatory to understand this prime concept in order to create a unique bond with our customers…
Read MoreNowadays, the growth of a business depends not just on how well its products or services are needed and delivered but also on how a company brings true value to personal growth. What we read and who we frequent define who we are. So are the tools and services we are using every day. As an entrepreneur, it is mandatory to understand this prime concept in order to create a unique bond with our customers…
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