EMPOWERING WOMEN: LOVE is more than a 4 letters word
This is it, it is done! I have finished what was to me the impossible. To talk about love, to write about love. I can spend all day writing about ambition, logic and leadership. I can talk to you for hours about philosophy, business and finance. But love...
At the same time, it was my priority to write this book, THE POWER BEHIND THE ALPHA, to recognize the contribution of Tranie in our success, her role in our love story, her presence in my life.
“You can have it all, only if you ask for it and that you are ready to receive!”
That’s what I learned and discovered in life since my mind and heart got liberated from the burden of scars and the ladders of society. I can have it all, not all at the same time, but I can have everything I put my mind and heart into.
Actually, it is not completely true. I can have most of what I and Tranie put our minds into. Together, when we feel as one, there isn’t much out of our reach. If I’m the mind, she’s the heart; if I’m the Will, she’s the means. Synergy is the core of our power.
This whole book is about love. What I realized writing this journey is that love is the starting point, the excuse to meet, the prelude to life.
Love is life, love is happiness, love is success.
This is my ode to love, my tribute to Tranie, my take to honour the women standing behind their men. Business is a men’s world, but no man can stand without the support of a woman, a mother, a wife, a lover. Love who you want and be grateful for what you receive. That’s how you can have a chance to find yourself and a chance to happiness.
It’s been said by a “great man” that “We are born alone and we die alone.” Both men and women proudly repeat those words as wisdom since. I apologize in advance, but what a fat LIE! If we cannot see the problem here, we are even more messed up than I thought!
After being pushed out of a womb, after hours of labor, sometimes days, through the pain, the sweat and the blood, as we were simply a passenger in our mother’s body, we dare to say that we were born alone?! No human being is ever born without a parental presence.
If you die alone, that’s maybe your choice and the reflection of how you lived your life, but no one is ever born alone. That’s the kind of injustice and the kind of insults we direct to those who love us the most. I am a man, born of a woman, raised by both parents and groomed into an Alpha from the love of a power woman. If anything, I cannot stay quiet in front of such ignorance or even worst, ungratefulness.
I have started by honouring my partner, Tranie. To give her a voice and a stand, in the hope of allowing more women to get inspired by her touch, her kindness, her wisdom. Tranie doesn’t need the attention nor the love of the crowd. But she cares, she cares about those she loves. By writing this book, my hopes are that Tranie finds a new purpose and interest in her true worth, the love she can bring to the world.
Those were my words, fuelling from Tranie’s soul. You’ll be laughing to know how much I poured my soul and heart into this endeavour. I had to empty myself completely to vibrate at Tranie’s frequency and write from the answers she gave in her interviews.
Doing so, I was so into it that I now feel what she feels. I went so deep that I got a hard time getting back into my own skin, feeling my own vibe after I was done with her chapters. If anything, today, I am truly whole, with the ability to feel both elements, as different as they may be. Today, I have gained the inside knowledge of both the Alpha and the Omega. And once again, it was thanks to love, the love she inspired me, the love I owe her.
This book is a testimonial of love. It is not the universal recipe nor the blueprint for your own relationship. It’s a guide to inspire you to find your own happiness, your own voice, to accept the love you have been given...…