PROFESSION HEALTH: We can be happy and successful all at once

Don't expect the Gratitude from the same source that needed your help.

- Dr. Bak Nguyen, from PROFESSION HEALTH

Esteem colleagues, my brothers and sisters in arms, you did it! You’ve won the battles against the winds and the odds. You are champions, you are heroes and you are humble! The world shines from your dedication and love. One day, you will be able to stop and look back at your successes, but not yet.

Not yet. Victory is yours and victories await. We are white coats; our privilege is to be part of this brotherhood pledged to excellence. We have the power to serve and the authority to care. We are the magicians and the healing hands of nations. We went too far to fail happiness.

Let’s have a dose of our own medicine: failure is not an option! To make sure that failure is tied at bay on the quest to your whole, the unconventional quest to your happiness, trust in yourself and trust in people. But never solely in people.

Never expect anything from anyone but stay opened to the possibilities. This way, you will never set yourself for neither lies nor plain failure. To grow, you have to stay open. To fail is just true if you are giving up. Since we, white coats, don’t know those words, “giving up”, we will never fail…

