PROFESSION HEALTH: The secret to a successful treatment

Remember, you treat the present and the future, not the past.

- Dr. Bak Nguyen, from PROFESSION HEALTH

What we do every day is not a job, it’s our pride, our identity. Our hands, our minds, our hearts all pour in with the hope of a better tomorrow. Not just for us but mainly, for them, to those we dedicated our lives to. We have been chosen, we have been trained, we keep up with the pace daily!

Failure is not an acceptable word in our profession. Unfortunately, failure will occur, surely obeying to the law of statistics: no win can last forever. And even that single failure could have been avoided... that’s who we are, white coats.

Thank you. Don’t change, be that super machine of consistency and of hope. Keep the standard at that impossible level casually usual to all of us! We are strong, we are resilient, we are committed! We are white coats! Diagnostics, this is the subtitle of this book, the TOME I. Diagnostics is from the past. A condition is from the past while the outcome and treatment are about the future.

We are about the future,

All about the future.

The future is hope,

The future is the possibility,

The future can be better.

The main difference is that the future holds hope while the past holds regrets. We are the hope of those people we called patients. They entrusted us with their hopes and desires for a better tomorrow. Sometimes, medically, sometimes morally and sometimes, spiritually.

They are lost at sea, we are their beacons of hope, a lifeline from abroad. We need to understand what we stand for to appreciate the scope and worth of our function. To be strictly medical and to ignore the morale and spiritual aspects are ways to fail. Even if there is nothing wrong with the body, a broken spirit will not be moving forward. Even if we did our job to the perfection, technically, we can still feel the void at the end of the day…

